We rely on individual and corporate donors like you who support our mission of providing the Atlanta community with the best choral masterpieces. Your financial contribution will go directly toward the expenses of bringing exciting, quality choral performances to the stage.
Donors are recognized in the concert program, in one of following categories:
Donation: under $50
Friend : $50-$99
Family: $100-$199
Accompanist: $200-$299
Artiste: $300-$399
Conductor: $500-$999
Diva: over $1000
Donations can be made directly to Marjorie Timmer by mailing it to CV Treasurer at Collegium Vocale, PO Box 133044, Atlanta, GA 30333, or online through PayPal.
Donations made in honor of someone will be printed in the spring program. You may indicate this by leaving a note in Paypal, or, if you are unable to do so, by emailing The 2024 spring concert program deadline in October 29th, 2024.