Collegium Vocale Audition Expectations
What is required: Experience singing in an organized chorus or a high aptitude for singing. There is no sight-reading test in the audition, but general ability to read music is expected.
The purpose of this document is to let you know what to expect in your audition. A private audition is scheduled for each individual. Your audition will be with Dr. Kevin Hibbard, Music Director of Collegium Vocale. (See our website for more information about Kevin.)
When you arrive for your audition, a member of the ensemble will be there to greet you. He or she will give you some information about the group. Please arrive at least ten minutes before your audition time to complete an audition card.
An audition typically lasts about ten minutes, and includes the following activities:
Greeting – Kevin will look over your audition card and will chat with you briefly about your singing experiences.
Range check – Beginning in a medium-low range and with your notes played on the piano, you will sing up and down a five-note scale or triad. You will repeat this pattern on successively higher tones (transposing up by half-steps) to determine your tessitura (highest “good” note) and range (highest possible note). Returning to mid-range, you will sing down a five-note scale, transposing downward to find your low tessitura and range.
Tonal memory – You will repeat (unaccompanied) a series of five-note patterns that will be played on the piano. Each pattern will be played only one time. All patterns use the same rhythm, and are less than an octave in range.
Prepared song – You will be asked to sing a song with piano accompaniment. Those who have studied voice often sing an art song (preferred) or aria that demonstrates their voice and artistry to best effect. If you do not have a prepared piece, you may be asked to sing a verse of “My Country ‘tis of Thee” (music provided). Hymns or folk songs are also sometimes heard. Kevin will play the accompaniment, or you may bring your own accompanist if you prefer. However, you may not accompany yourself.
Results – You will be contacted within a few days regarding the results of your audition.
Thank you for your interest in auditioning for Collegium Vocale!
Good luck!